The environment and the impact that we have on it is one of the central topics to which we care a lot Living in a“paradise” we feel the obligation not to ruin it and to do, in our small everything possible. This philosophy we try to apply throughout, starting from the olive tree of natural materials with which we furnished the structure, using using heat pumps (Fancoil) for heating so as to limit emissions, to reach the use of natural and organic products in cleaning. In these years we have been awarded some ECO-LABELLING, which have shown us that our philosophy has been appreciated and followed.

Certificazione ambientale ISO 14001


Marchio di qualità ecologica Ecolabel UE


ATTESTATO Rilasciato dal parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre


Marchio di Qualità Ambientale 2.0 - CETS fase II

For example, the ECO-LABELLING EUROPARC, is awarded by the National Park of the 5 Terre to the tourist companies (hotel, restourant, B&B, ECC eCC) of the Cinque Terre who are engaged in a voluntary quality pathway, respect for the environment and enhancement of culture and local identity according to the strategy indicated by the EUROPARC Federation in the European Charter for for the Sustainable Tourism. We will continue to pursue this philosophy of respect and enhancement of the territory and the environment